How Does Print Club Work?

Get together with like minded print lovers, exploring process and techniques in a monthly print club.

Sessions are led by volunteer members from within the group and offer an opportunity to share your love of print with fellow artists and designers in a relaxed small group setting.

Print Club runs on the 1st Saturday of every month (2pm - 5pm) and are free to Roots Press Members. No need to book, just turn up!

Non- members are also welcome, an individual session costs £12 per person, payable in advance or on the day, send us an email and we will fill you in on details of the next session or check out our Events pages to see what we have coming up!

How and When Can I Join In?

Become a Roots Press member and gain access to print club, open access Riso print sessions and discounted print services …

Open access print sessions currently run on the first Saturday of every month (2pm - 5pm) during print club. Members can bring along with their prepared artwork in either paper or digital form to print on the Riso printer. Remember, you will only be able to print up to 2 colours, single sided in one session.

Also happening through our membership programme are our print club sessions, group publications, workshops and markets to get involved with.

Members are welcome to bring a project they are interested in, to share with the group or just turn up and join in with whatever we have planned that month.

Whats on the Programme?

Riso printing is just one of many printmaking techniques in the print club programme, with new, and experimental techniques highly encouraged!

This is not a workshop, so whilst the project leader will be sharing skills and offering feedback on work produced, we assume you will have some previous print or practical experience. If you would like more tuition then we suggest booking onto one of our workshops or individual print sessions.

Print Club sessions have included: Kitchen Lithography, Wood Grain Printing, Lego Dot Printing, Hand Stitched Book Binding, Collaborative Zines, Festive Paper Baubles, Cyanotype Printing, Suminagashi..

Join the Press

Become a Roots Press member and gain access to print club, open access Riso print sessions and discounted print services …