Binding and finishing

Books and folded leaflets


Small books & zines

Roots Zine works with individuals and groups wishing to publish small books and Zines (small, stapled, non-commercial, small-circulation publications which foster free expression without censorship) Books are laid up onto A3 templates and then cut to size, scored and saddle stitch staple bound into A4/A5/A6 books. We recommend printing the majority of the pages in either 1 or 2 ink colours and printing an edition of 100+ copies to keep the costs low.

Coil & glue binding

Books with more pages are either coil bound or glue (perfect) bound. Coil binding allows the book to lie flat or the pages to turn over and are ideal for sketch books, work books and calendars as well as thicker pages. Perfect binding gives a professional and crisp look and works well when there are lots of thin pages that will be heavily handled as it holds them very securely. We work with Monkey Puzzle Repro Art for books which require full colour digital printing, email for a bespoke qoute.


Folding + finishing

Riso jobs are generally printed on an A3 sheet which is then left to air dry before handling. When dry, work can be trimmed and cut down to size.

We offer hole punching, stringing, corner rounding, binding, folding and scoring etc.

All finishing will be an additional cost and needs to be requested at the beginning of the job.